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Tips to de-stress during exams

Dear Glocalites,

Here are a few tips to keep yourself de-stressed during the exams.


Do not be anxious at all. You know Glocal teachers shoulder equal responsibility in preparing their Glocalites for their exams. Just concentrate during revision time and practice your worksheets judiciously.

Now some more tips:

1. Make a study schedule!
Trust me. If you stick to it, it’s awesome!

write down exactly what you plan to accomplish during that time. For example for science write down which chapter you intend to go through during that schedule or for Maths note down the unit you intend to work on during that planned schedule.

While making your schedule, you need to leave time for breaks! This is a MUST!!!!!

It will help you refresh yourself.

2. Organize your study area and your notes!
Wherever it is that you study keep it clean and free from clutter. This will help you to feel good and thus concentrate better. Put away your class notes and the ones you worked on yourself neatly and systematically. This will save a lot of time and energy that you spend on looking for bits of paper. Make a separate folder for each of your subjects or courses and put all your notes in it chapter by chapter.

3. A great way to de-stress is eat healthily!
Note the emphasis on HEALTHY. Snacking on junk food because you don’t want to stop studying to make/get yourself food is the worst idea possible. Eating good food will make you feel better, lessen your stress, and keep your stomach feeling fuller longer so you can concentrate. Plus, eating junk food just makes you lethargic!

4. Take a bubble bath/shower..
Warm water is a great way to relax all those tense muscles, and allow the stress of the day to just wash away! A walk can also help you a lot.

5. Pick up some water or even tea for that matter! STAY PROPERLY HYDRATED.