Glocal offers a holistic education, polishing every facet of a student, helping an individual develop life-skills, a spirit of enquiry to explore the unknown, attitude of life-long learning, so that she acquires knowledge and not just information . The curriculum of Glocal has been designed so that students get to develop these two most important soft skills. the art of intelligent enquiry and the ability to link all aspects of one's environment into a meaningful context. This is done by encouraging team work, inter-personal relationships and camaraderie – cutting across their study subjects, ethnic, regional and economic backgrounds.

Beyond the learning in the classroom and laboratories, Glocal has developed a mechanism to introduce each student to sports and a wide range of co-curricular activities. We believe that each child has a ‘unique talent’ and special strengths, be it in sports, music, dramatics, public speaking etc . Our endeavour is to nurture this talent so that it helps shape her personality and become a better human being . Studying here will be a lot of fun. After their classes, children will have opportunities to improve their ability in sports and athletics. The time table has been designed so that all students, including those who are not residing in hostels, are able to complement school education with soft and special skills.

Every student is encouraged to take active part in at least one outdoor activity. Students will take active part in Cricket, Football, Basketball, Badminton, etc..
We have planned a hobbies club in which children can unleash their creativity on their favourite pastime, be it photography, music, painting or making models of electronic devices.

Taking advantage of the natural beauty of the surrounding Shivalik hills, an ‘adventure club ‘ has been formed by the school, who organize camps for picnics, nature-walks, cycling, trekking, hiking .
We have a theatre group for staging plays, in several languages . This helps them to overcome stage fright, and builds self –confidence and team building.
Gymnasium: In order to ensure a sound body and mind, students are given special attention to maintain their health and fitness . A modern gym has been set up in the hostel .
During the monsoons, students play indoor games like Table-tennis, chess, carom, scrabble .
All these creative hobbies and sports will not only make the stay at Glocal more enjoyable but also ensure that these will be the biggest assets for every child when they enter into their lives beyond school, where they will stand out as a well rounded personality. We are sure that all the co-curricular activities, together with excellent teaching here at Glocal, will kindle the imagination and creativity of every child. If children imagine a future, we at Glocal will help them to achieve it.